eZee Centrix – Hotel Channel Manager
eZee Centrix is undoubtedly one of the best Channel Management System you can find anywhere. It has an intuitive and easy-to-use interface that lets you control the rates, availability, and restrictions you want to put on your channel partners and booking agents. Global Distribution System, eZee Centrix uses the Internet as your distribution channel, and makes it easy for you to maximize your ROI keeping your occupancy rates at peak levels at all times. It also features a unique marketing and promotion module that makes your hotel visible in all the right places at the right time.
With Hotel Channel Manager installed, you (or your hotel managers) can easily define the rates, room availability, and reservation specifications that will be available to your channel partners and booking agents. With a highly user-friendly web-based interface, eZee Centrix also allows you to be highly mobile as you can access the system and manage it from anywhere with a computer connected to the internet.